
Public Safety – During this campaign season, we will hear a lot about economic development and quality of life. While those things are important, efforts to improve in these areas are negatively impacted if our city is not safe, or if our citizens do not feel safe. Whether it’s emergency medical personnel, firefighters, or law enforcement, we must provide our first responders with the training and resources they need to be able to do their jobs effectively and efficiently.

Workforce Housing – I believe everyone should be afforded the opportunity to work where they labor. We must explore two avenues to address more housing for our workforce by facilitating more public/private partnerships and land trusts. The city does not always have to reinvent the wheel. Many in the private sector can already provide affordable housing, and partnering with them could prove more efficient and cost-effective. There are various different land trust models, both in ownership and implementation. We must research the various types of land trust and determine which model will serve Fayetteville best.

Transparency & Accountability – When handling the people’s business I believe the process must be as transparent as possible. Over the past few years, there have been some questions regarding the transparency in the way some projects, or proposed projects were handled. When such questions do arise, I believe it is prudent that the process is reviewed in whatever capacity a specific case may warrant to satisfy the public. From time to time differences in opinion may arise. Our differences should always be discussed in a respectful manner. Public servants should display the decorum our citizens expect and deserve.