
City of Fayetteville Boards & Commissions

Storm Water Advisory Board (SWAB) – I have had the pleasure of serving the citizens of Fayetteville on SWAB since first appointed in 2018. Four months after being appointed to SWAB, I was chosen by my peers as Chairman of the board where I lead for over a year and a half. Currently, I am serving as Vice-Chair.

UDO (Uniform Development Ordinance) Task Force – As Chairman of SWAB, I was selected to represent our board on the UDO Task Force. Led by the honorable Gen. Al Aycock (Ret.), we were tasked with reviewing our development standards ordinances and proposing revisions that may not currently sync with other city ordinances, were not in accord with industry best practices, and/or may have been overburdensome in practical applications to the point that it was stifling new development and/or redevelopment.

Non Profit Boards

Salvation Army Board of Directors (TSA) – In January I was appointed to serve on the TSA board. TSA does great philanthropic work, especially with our homeless population. It is humbling and an honor to serve with these great women and men.

Greater Fayetteville Chamber – I was recently selected to serve as an Ambassador for our local Chamber of Commerce. This great organization is an asset to our business community, particularly our small business community. We provide many informative platforms and events for businesses of all sizes, especially for anyone contemplating opening a business of their own. The networking the Chamber provides is unparalleled.

Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church – I was born and baptized in my home church and I have served in numerous capacities throughout the years. Currently, I am a member of our Parish Council (Governing Board). Formerly I have served as Treasurer and Asst. Treasurer. Throughout the years I have served as Co-Chair and participated in all of the fundraisers our church family community organizes and participates in annually: “World’s Largest Spaghetti Dinner”, Greek Festival, and Athenian Nights, the City of Fayetteville’s International Folk Festival, and Dogwood Festivals, the Fort Bragg Fair, and Junior League of Fayetteville’s Holiday Fair just to name a few. Having participated in our Sunday school, Greek school, GOYA, and athletics as a young boy, I also (formerly) volunteered as Head Coach and Asst. Coach of our church league basketball team(s).

Trade Associations

Longleaf Pines Association of REALTORS – As a Realtor for 23+ years, we pride ourselves and pledge to promote the interests of our clients. Cooperation and conflict resolution are two of the skills we use on a daily basis. We pledge to treat everyone equally and to not discriminate for reasons of sexual orientation, religion, color, race, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, or gender identity. All of these pledges transfer seamlessly from clients to constituents. Currently serving on LLP Leadership Committees:
• Legislative Committee
• Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
• Economic Development